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Hair on water, indivisibility, and Amy as the winner. Prof. Yin has a nice post on last night's The Apprentice. He doesn't like the idea of drinking from a bottle that has Trump-hair on it. Yeah, come to think about it, hair and drinking water are a horrible combination. And a picture of Trump is inherently (in-hair-ently) a picture that draws attention to hair. And hair in its most loathsome form, I might add.

Prof. Yin also notes that "Kwame was non-existent in the episode." Maybe he's just being edited out, but Kwame thus far has been a completely flying-under-the-radar type. That can only work so long. Speaking of invisibility, did you notice that in the boardroom, Bill complained about feeling "indivisible"? Maybe Bill has liberty and justice for all.

I note that Entertainment Weekly is certain that the ultimate winner will be Amy. (This link might not work if you're not fool enough to subscribe to EW, as I am.) Here's the reasoning:
Amy will win. Period. End of discussion. Case closed. ... You see, unlike self-absorbed Omarosa, she doesn't stir up controversy by feigning headaches or by flapping her trap at inappropriate times. Unlike Ereka and Nick, she never stresses, never shows emotion, and never flails under pressure. And in case you missed it, unlike the rest of her loft-mates, Amy has completely avoided the boardroom. ...

[E]ven if Amy were on the losing side for once, I seriously doubt that any of her teammates would have strong enough reason to have her face the dreaded Donald. In fact, hey, while I'm at it, I am willing to place yet another bet -- that the Protégés would keep Amy around even she completely sucked at a task (ha, like that will ever happen!).

Why, you ask? Well, because of her wonderfully smooth patience when dealing with Omarosa. ...
Amy is quite beautiful too. She reminds me of Sharon Stone.
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