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Relax, Rejoice. Inspired by Nina's meditations on Ralph Nader's "Relax, rejoice" advice--"I urge the liberal establishment to relax and rejoice"--I Googled "relax rejoice" just to see how far down the list of results I would need to go before I got to something that wasn't about Ralph Nader. The man has securely claimed that word combination, because it took me to the third page of results. Fascinatingly, the first nonNader result was to Imagine Nation®:
The "Relax! Rejoice! Rejuvenate!" Women's Retreat is held in Sedona, Arizona. This exhilarating and refreshing weekend getaway is a wonderful opportunity to break from the hectic pace of your everyday life and just breathe!
What the hell is Imagine Nation®? you may ask. Or you may say, Imagine Nation® sounds like a good name for the country Nader pictures himself presiding over. But according to the website: "Nancy Nordstrom’s Imagine Nation® Method of Dream Realization utilizes a fundamental foundation of three basic components. This is a solid, realistic approach that enables you to achieve the outcome you most desire." How intriguingly Nader-esque!

The next nonNader return takes you to Relax and Rejoice/Marriage Manual--Vol. 1. ("Venus Kriyas (yoga exercises for couples) and meditations for women and men for the renewal of love, trust, open communication, sexual sharing and much more.") I'm really not picturing Ralph Nader now. Or maybe, yes, a bit, metaphorically ... Enjoy the relationship, liberal establishment!
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