I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm guest-blogging this week over at GlennReynolds.com (part of the MSNBC website). If you read Instapundit, you know that Glenn's wife Helen has been in the hospital, and I agreed to help out by taking over the MSNBC blog for a week. I want to wish Helen (whom I've never met) a very successful treatment and recovery. (I"ve never met Glenn either, by the way!)
My first post is up over there, and I will probably have two more later in the week. With only three (longish) posts and what I presume is a large audience, I felt a lot of pressure about the content of those posts, yet somehow I ended up making my first post about breasts. (And some other things!) Guest-blogging at Instapundit last fall was different because you put up so many short posts over there. You could ease into it, whereas this felt more like diving into it. So even though I was used to blogging a lot more conspicuously than here at the humble Althouse blog, it still felt like something I wasn't used to.
It was funny, blogging on Instapundit last fall -- how overwhelming it seemed just before starting to do it, but then, once you've started, it feels pretty normal. Actually, before starting a blog at all, even beginning at zero readership, it felt overwhelming to dare to expose something you just thought up to the entire world -- with no editor and usually not even taking the step of asking a single person whether a particular thing is worth saying or possibly stupid or embarrassing for some reason.
My first post is up over there, and I will probably have two more later in the week. With only three (longish) posts and what I presume is a large audience, I felt a lot of pressure about the content of those posts, yet somehow I ended up making my first post about breasts. (And some other things!) Guest-blogging at Instapundit last fall was different because you put up so many short posts over there. You could ease into it, whereas this felt more like diving into it. So even though I was used to blogging a lot more conspicuously than here at the humble Althouse blog, it still felt like something I wasn't used to.
It was funny, blogging on Instapundit last fall -- how overwhelming it seemed just before starting to do it, but then, once you've started, it feels pretty normal. Actually, before starting a blog at all, even beginning at zero readership, it felt overwhelming to dare to expose something you just thought up to the entire world -- with no editor and usually not even taking the step of asking a single person whether a particular thing is worth saying or possibly stupid or embarrassing for some reason.