Studying with babies.

Have you ever had a baby by your side when you were studying for a law school exam? I had one -- out of the frame -- when I posed for this photograph. The baby -- my older son, John -- was less than 2 months old, so he took no interest in my ordeal and went about his baby-business as usual.

But maybe you are studying with a baby who's a little older, like this one, who, I'm told, spontaneously dug the Constitution out of a schoolbag and started reading it:

Good luck to all the law students who are studying with babies!

ADDED: A few months later, John did take an interest:

prescient John

IN THE COMMENTS: Skyler says:
My daughter liked to study for the patent exam.
Some serious cuteness at the link. Plus, the daughter is named Elle.

Mcg said...
Somewhere I've got a picture of my infant daughter and [me] watching the dittocam. If I wasn't interested in preserving a modicum of anonymity on this forum I'd post it.

But I am, so I won't.

Instead, I'll post a link this hilarious blog mocking pictures of cute animals.
Forgive me for correcting your grammar, but you Arne Duncanned.

As a Rush Limbaugh fan, you may be horrified to learn that when I created a tag for your pseudonym, Blogger tried to autocomplete "mcg" to "McGovern." But -- who knows? -- maybe you are McGovern. Who knows what celebs lurk behind these pseudonyms?

As for that blog -- Fuck You, Penguin -- I love it. Don't say "fuck you" in front of babies, but I'm totally on the same page as the Fuck You, Penguin blogger: what does this asshole think he is doing?
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